MONEY EXPERIENCE: Featuring Alyse Delgado

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Alyse Delgado is a Brand Manager at Pivot Point International and experienced admissions professional.

After recently participating in a QLife Map™ workshop, Alyse was inspired to share her story. Given Alyse’s experience working in both the beauty industry AND schools, we were eager to hear her feedback.

We sat down to chat with Alyse for a Q&A to learn more about her experience with the MONEY program and the Qnity tools. Here’s what she had to say:

What do you love most about the MONEY program?

“I love the realness of the program. I always joke about what type of math we were taught in school, most of us aren’t ever going to use Geometry or Algebra in our daily lives, yet we were taught those subjects over basic financial knowledge such as taxes and loans.”

Alyse touches on something we’re well aware of - the lack of financial literacy in grades K-12.

“This program touches on REAL LIFE information that will make students’ lives easier, will help schools better prepare students to be successful, and help our industry blossom,” Alyse added.

Why do you think the QLife Map™ is beneficial to students and instructors?

“This tool uses visuals that spark your thinking by allowing your emotions to kick in, and think about things you might not of without them.”

Alyse calls out the visual aspects of Qnity’s teaching tools, which is key to connecting with students. Gone are the days of spreadsheets and equations - we’re meeting students where they want to be.

“The QLifeMap will help give students (or anyone really) the ability to think through their goals and develop action items that are obtainable to achieve those goals. It also created a bonding experience with those who participated in the session together which I wasn’t expecting, so you can expect this to bring your classroom closer on a personal level.”

Why would you encourage schools to bring on the money program?

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“There is a gap in education when it comes to essential life skills about money and we see this in our industry.”

The gap Alyse references is something that many of our colleagues have called out. Unfortunately, this gap ultimately harms the industry as a whole.

“Some students graduate and struggle financially thinking that they aren’t making enough money, which causes them to contemplate and oftentimes, look for another career. Most of the time, it’s not that they don’t make enough money, it’s that they don’t understand money and how to manage it. Our industry is full-circle, the success of schools is based on the success of the industry as a whole, so if we can teach these essential skills to students, we can reduce their struggles as professionals.”

Thanks again to Alyse for her time and feedback. To learn more about becoming a MONEY school, book a complimentary demo here.


Meet the Ambassador: Justin


MONEY EXPERIENCE: Featuring Alcott Czubek